Geotechnical Engineering Lab Viva Questions
Here are few viva questions which would be helpful for your lab externals and for other exams.
- Define consistency and plastic limit.
- The behaviour of fine grained soil depends on ________ present in the soil.
- On evaporation, the water content at which rupture begins in the soil is known as________.
- The range of water content over which the soil is in a plastic state is called?
- According to Atterberg the soil is said to be of medium plasticity if the plasticity index PI is ?
- When the plastic limit of the soil is greater than liquid limit then the plasticity index is reported as ?
- For a Sandy Soil the Plasticity Index will be ?
- The maximum height of fall of cup in casagrande's device is?
- The surface of soil in the cup is _________ to base when the cup is in it inclined position?
- The crank of Casagrande's device is operated at?
- Casagrande's liquid limit test is conducted in the range of blows between ____________ and ___________.
- Liquid limit of a soil indicates its?
- The slope of the flow curve in the liquid limit test is known as?
- Flow index indicates?
- Toughness Index is a measure of?
- Liquidity index indicates__________ of the soil.
- What is the use of plasticity chart.
- What is A line.
- Define Activity.
- Explain the following symbols: CH, ML, OL.
- What are the limits of consistency?
- Consistency tests are conducted on the fraction of soil passing through?
- Define Density?
- What are the units of Density?
- What are the Applications of Density test?
- Define Density in terms of degree of saturation, specific gravity and void ratio.
- What is main purpose of replacing sand into the hole?
- Define Coefficient of Curvature?
- Define Coefficient of Uniformity?
- Uniformity Coefficient of a soil is always __________ ?
- What are D10, D30 & D60?
- What is meant by Gradation?
- What is a measure of particle size range?
- Define Permeability?
- What are the units of Permeability?
- Define Coefficient of Permeability?
- Which soil will have more Permeability?
- If the permeability of the soil is 0.8 mm/s, the type of soil is?
- Constant head permeameter is used to test permeability of _____________ ?
- Falling head permeameter is used to test permeability of ______________ ?
- Coefficient of permeability of the soil increases with increase in _______?
- Define MDD, OMC?
- Application of Compaction test?
- Name some Index & Engineering Properties of the soil?
- Density is an Index or Engineering Property?
- What is the difference between Dynamic Compaction an Modified Compaction test?
- What are the uses of density?
- Define Specific Gravity?
- What is the Formula used to calculate Specific Gravity?
- What is the volume of Pycnometer Jar?
answers please sir/madam