Monday, 20 February 2017

Geotechnical Engineering Lab Viva Questions

Here are few viva questions which would be helpful for your lab externals and for other exams.

  1. Define consistency and plastic limit.
  2. The behaviour of fine grained soil depends on ________ present in the soil.
  3. On evaporation, the water content at which rupture begins in the soil is known as________.
  4. The range of water content over which the soil is in a plastic state is called?
  5. According to Atterberg  the soil is said to be of medium plasticity if the plasticity index PI is ?
  6. When the plastic limit of the soil is greater than liquid limit then the plasticity index is reported as ?
  7. For a Sandy Soil the Plasticity Index will be ?
  8. The maximum height of fall of cup in casagrande's device is?
  9. The surface of soil in the cup is _________ to base when the cup is in it inclined position?
  10. The crank of Casagrande's device is operated at?
  11. Casagrande's liquid limit test is conducted in the range of blows between ____________ and ___________.
  12. Liquid limit of a soil indicates its?
  13. The slope of the flow curve in the liquid limit test is known as?
  14. Flow index indicates?
  15. Toughness Index is a measure of?
  16. Liquidity index indicates__________ of the soil.
  17. What is the use of plasticity chart.
  18. What is A line.
  19. Define Activity.
  20. Explain the following symbols: CH, ML, OL.
  21. What are the limits of consistency?
  22. Consistency tests are conducted on the fraction of soil passing through?
  23. Define Density?
  24. What are the units of Density?
  25. What are the Applications of Density test?
  26. Define Density in terms of degree of saturation, specific gravity and void ratio.
  27. What is main purpose of replacing sand into the hole?
  28. Define Coefficient of Curvature?
  29. Define Coefficient of Uniformity?
  30. Uniformity Coefficient of a soil is always __________ ?
  31. What are D10, D30 & D60?
  32. What is meant by Gradation?
  33. What is a measure of particle size range?
  34. Define Permeability?
  35. What are the units of Permeability?
  36. Define Coefficient of Permeability?
  37. Which soil will have more Permeability?
  38. If the permeability of the soil is 0.8 mm/s, the type of soil is?
  39. Constant head permeameter is used to test permeability of _____________ ?
  40. Falling head permeameter is used to test permeability of ______________ ?
  41. Coefficient of permeability of the soil increases with increase in _______?
  42. Define MDD, OMC?
  43. Application of Compaction test?
  44. Name some Index & Engineering Properties of the soil?
  45. Density is an Index or Engineering Property?
  46. What is the difference between Dynamic Compaction an Modified Compaction test?
  47. What are the uses of density?
  48. Define Specific Gravity?
  49. What is the Formula used to calculate Specific Gravity?
  50. What is the volume of Pycnometer Jar?

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